Monday, August 19, 2013

June 18, 2013 Oregono

Well, I love it here. I think I fit the stereotypical definition of a missionary "greenie" pretty well. We got off the plane and my eyes were wide open. I had just arrived in real, non-LDS society! And this is MY mission!! And I'm going to convert EVERYTHING that breathes!!! I couldn't stop smiling. Then, the APs came to pick us up and I started feeling a little bit like a child, like the greenie I was. Our new group (32 new missionaries, a record number for the mission) with our new companions sat behind the stand to get assigned to an area.

When I got assigned to my area as with when I got my companion, I was a little awkward and unsure, like the other new missionaries. Then, we stood up and said the mission themes and sang the song with such gusto, and President Morby stood up and spoke with such vigor, that I started getting pretty enthusiastic. I had arrived with approximately four hours of sleep from the night before, so I was pretty tired. Also, I've almost completely lost my voice. Despite those physical ailments, after the meeting, I just wanted to get to work and work as hard as I could. My mission companion, Sister Paulson (she's awesome!) extended her mission and actually leaves in 30 days, so we're going to make a big bucket-list goal sheet of what she wants to accomplish for her final days. She has stoutly said that she will not get trunky, something I really admire her for. She's a go-getter. She's cool. 

My companion and I have been assigned to a ward that is already occupied by another group of visitor center sisters, so we're meeting up with the ward mission leader tonight to divide up the area and figure out how all this will work out. 

We had a weird scheduling thing yesterday and today, so, long story short, I have not yet been tracting but have spent all my time at the visitors center. The center is tiny and way high-tec. There's the Christus and a bunch of video display things and a mini theater that you take people on a tour of. It's an interesting form of missionary work, because people come to you and your missionary tools are the videos and thing in the center. It is a really great way to do missionary work! 

Another thing I like about the visitors center is the sense of family you have with the other visitors center sisters and senior couples. They are like secondary parents or grandparents! And such good missionaries, all of them. 

A lot of people here are ready for the gospel.  One woman who came up to two visitors center sisters and the first thing she said to them was, "Can I join your church?" She heard about the church from member friends who are now excommunicated member friends, so she heard all of these misconceptions, but she still received all the lessons and is being baptized Saturday!  I met her yesterday.  She is in her late twenties or thirties, Korean, working woman, pretty brusque, but the Spirit was there with her. Definitely genuine about the Church.

So, that's a miracle I've seen since coming here. Another miracle is the energy I've gotten since coming! I'm still tired, but I'm able to do more and I'm definitely more motivated to act than I think I ever have been before. 


Hermana Carlos Schmutz

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