Monday, August 19, 2013

July 14, 2013

Sister Poulson, an investigator, Sister Schmutz
Today is weird and sad because my lovely companion, Sister Poulson, flies home tomorrow! You are only allowed to extend for a month so she leaves two weeks before transfers end. I'll be going into a trio with the other set of VC sisters in our ward for those two weeks. Sister Poulson has not been trunky at all, which is a very impressive thing. She is awesome. It has been great being companions with her. She will be missed.

_____'s brother came into town and a guy quit from work, so he had to fill his shift on Sunday and has been too busy with his brother to meet with us... but we came to 7-11 to visit him and he still wants to be taught. 
_____ knows the Book of Mormon is true and is now in Jacob but says he feels unworthy to be baptized... We hooked library guy up with the missionaries in his neighborhood. We got three new investigators this past week! Let me tell you about them:

Sally [not her real name], crazy, crazy Sally. Met her Wednesday. She saw us from the window and said "come on around back!" She lives in this odd looking little lopsided bungalow that is PACKED sky high with stuff inside and out back. She is a mix of black, native american and white and is proud of it. She is practically broke but has written several books, specializes in patent law and owns the rights to the name "prose warrior." (We saw all the documents that support this, so know it's true.) She calls us "babies," kept inviting her to come with her and all her friends to the best bars in town and showed us her newest idea-- adult, washable diapers with frills and lace on them so that "a person can be incontinent and feel sexy."
She got hit by a semi-truck and broke her back (showed us the scar. That was a little awkward!) So we helped her clean up her house and then taught her a lesson on the Restoration. She came to church with us on Sunday and has absolutely no need for fellowshipping--she fellowshipped the ward! She commented in all the classes (including the one where we talked about the millenium. "That makes sense," she said afterwards) and went around glad-handing everyone after each class. She said "Amen, amen!" or "Here, here!" several times in all of the meetings. Awesome. She's going to get baptized.

___: This modern awesome Mom who believes all these odd things about meditation and the great spirit and things, so who knows if we'll ever connect there. But we have an appointment next week! ____:  Best seventeen-year-old boy out there. His grandma is a member and took him to church with her once. He started coming on his own after that. He is very sincere in his spirituality and wants to learn more. We taught him yesterday and he has agreed to be baptized!

I've learned a lot this week about how to be a better teacher and companion. I have been humbled. Its been a little rough for Sister Poulson and I to teach together and because I didn't feel frustrated like Sister Poulson did, I thought that meant I wasn't really at fault. Not so! I think it's human nature to think everyone else is in the wrong but us. I've been working on letting Sister Poulson lead in discussions and really following the Spirit. Its easy to think that you have the best things to say, but its the Spirit that does and following the Spirit requires slowing down and really listening to it. 

I've learned how to be a better companion from Sister Poulson: to not criticize or take offense at things that really aren't a big deal, because that's what she does. These are good lessons for all of us I think! It just makes life harder when we don't do them. 

We had this old woman open the door with only a kind of loose towel on when we were tracting Wednesday. She said "Sorry girls, I'm kind of busy, I've got to get in the shower." She saw our surprised faces and said casually, as if to explain "I wouldn't have opened the door except I knew you were girls." Oh, ok.

Last thing: the pure love of Christ, charity, is absolutely a real thing. I've been praying for it and this past week have noticed it very distinctly. We met a woman who is in her mid-fifties, retired, really friendly, invited us in and then prepared to pounce. We talked a little bit about the spiritual experiences we've had and the reality of God when, out of nowhere, she interrupted us and said "You're wrong. There is no Heavenly Father, there is only Christ. Then, she whipped out her Bible and had us turn to reference after reference of these obscure, complex scriptures in the Bible that talk about God. She wouldn't say anything but "Uh-huh!" between each one and, when we said we had to go to a dinner appointment or would be late she said "No! Just sit here and give me five more minutes." All this time when she was going a little crazy and trying to tear down our beliefs, I just had this deep feeling of love for her! I wasn't bugged and just wanted to help her. It was really cool. We gladly set up a return appointment and I'm excited to meet with her again.

Hermana Schmutz

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