Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 2, 2013. Life is like a box of chocolates

I was not expecting my reaction to Uncle Steve and Aunt Becky coming! It was the oddest thing. I felt bad- I'm sure they had no idea what to do with me in my weepy-mess state. I think the reason I was that way is because you get so focused on NOT thinking of home and on working your hardest and its kind of a shock to be with family again. At least, it was for me. And you know me--sometimes, I just cry and I don't know why! It was probably less Steve and Becky being there and more just a catalyst for stress and stuff that I had let build up in me like a shaken soda bottle. So, I'm just finding new and better ways to let go of stress. As far as what to do with other people who are planning on visiting Oregon, I say as did Theodin, King of old-- "Let them come." 
I had to go into the restroom for a minute and (quietly) cry it all out. Sister Priday came in and we just sat and talked. We've both been trying to be super positive and act like every second is awesome, but right then we finally just said, "This is hard."  Then we talked about all the benefits--how we're gaining a vision of who Heavenly Father wants us to be forever and are taking steps to become that, how we're able to fully live the law of consecration at this time in our lives, how our testimonies are being deeply rooted...  We concluded that there is nowhere else we would rather be right now. 

So, this past week we saw miracles! And you know how they came about? Prayer. President Tom Cottle is a legend in the LDS community here. He's mid-80s, has served seven missions, was instrumental in getting the Portland Temple up, and is always the best person to have a spiritual conversation with.  He had some other sisters over for dinner last Wednesday and at one point he asked, "Do you know why we're not baptizing here?" They started mentioning things about affluence and things like that. He said "No, it's because the people have stopped praying." 

As a missionary, we pray all the time---every time we leave the apartment, before and after we study and plan, before we knock a door. All the time. But since we heard about what President Cottle said, we've made our prayers more focused, earnest and specific. We've prayed specifically for miracles with this or that person or with finding people. Here are some miracles (though small) that have happened the past few days:

1) We rarely tract, but often we'll knock doors neighboring houses we've planned to visit. We did this the other night and a young mom answered. I gave our schpiel--"...and we've come to share a message with you about Jesus Christ. Would that be alright?" She invited us in! We were shocked. This was the first time this had ever happened to us, and that's why we were only semi-prepared and very scared. It was perfect and yet we left after our visit feeling like we had sinned, because we had not "opened our mouths" to share the unique things that our Gospel offers. We prayed and repented and the next day went by with flowers and an invite to the Visitor's Center. She came by that night and agreed to read the Book of Mormon! Awesome! Only downside is that it's been a week and we haven't been able to get hold of her.  So... pray for her, will you? I have really had to work on having faith that she can feel the Spirit, can change and be converted and faith that I can help her to do that.

2) We visited a less-active who wasn't home, so we decided to knock on a random neighbor's door before we drove away. A man opened the door and said, "You found me! come on in." We were really confused, but happy. We started getting a little creeped out when he told Sister Priday "You got your hair cut! It looks nice." It took a few moments of awkward chit-chat for us to realize who he was. About a month ago we were driving around and pulled over to ask directions from a man and woman who were walking our dog. This was that man! That time he said that he was familiar with the Mormon church and not interested BUT THIS time, he invited us to come back whenever we were in the area and "we'd talk".

3) Yesterday, we were tracting and Brother Barrett, a man in our ward, rode by on his bike. He stopped to talk with us, and we asked if there was anyone in this area that he thought we should go teach. He pointed a few feet away to a woman across the street and said "Her. She needs to hear your message about Jesus Christ." She heard and said, "Were you pointing at me?" Undeterred, he said to this woman he had never met in his life, "Yes. These are sister missionaries for the LDS Church. They were asking if there was anyone they thought needed to hear their message about Jesus Christ and I said that you did." We started talking with her and, though she initially declined being taught, she expressed genuine interest in meeting us at the visitors center. She gave us her number and we promised to call and invite her to another activity that we had told her about.

4) We went visiting some potentials and less-actives in this one neighborhood and, as we were getting out of the car, Sister Priday said, "The Spirit has been telling me that there is someone here that we are going to teach today who really needs our message." Sure enough, it happened, with a very unlikely person. He had tattoos up and down his arms and was smoking and drinking when we met him. We were talking to his friendly neighbor, when ____ interrupted and said "I've got a few questions for you two." He started asking about our connection to the Masons and handshakes and a lot of shady things. Finally, I told him something like, "How would getting those answers actually impact your life? Would they be of any real benefit to you? You've told us that you've seen a lot of horrible things--that must be a great burden to you. Our message is that through the atonement of Jesus Christ you can be relieved of those burdens. Your soul can be healed and you can live a clean and pure life again. We know that God is your loving Heavenly Father. He knows you. He cares about you. He wants you to live with Him after this life and He's made a way to do that through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which we want to teach you about." His face started to change and he asked more questions about what the atonement was. We gave him our number and invited him to come by and see us. We're praying that he will! He's got a huge mistrust of organized religion. But, it was still a powerful experience for me. I think that when we bear our testimonies, the truth of what we're saying gets re-confirmed to us by the Spirit. 

5) We gave a temple tour to the ___'s cousin who came to the VC twice last week.  He told me to look him up in 15 months when I get home from my mission. That's not a miracle--just kidding!

So, lots of great things happened this week. I'm learning so much every day.

Sister Schmutz III

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